Private Civic Music Teaching in Catalonia between 1792 and 1838: New Contributions for Analysis


  • Oriol Brugarolas Bonet Universitat de Barcelona
  • Xosé Aviñoa Pérez Universitat de Barcelona


history of education, music teaching, teaching spaces, musical methods, music consumption, Catalonia and Barcelona 1800.


This article provides curated, unpublished information on private civic music teaching in Catalonia between 1792 and 1838. It comprises references to local and foreign music teachers, the teaching spaces involved, requested instruments, pedagogical material and the taxonomy of the recipients of the teaching. This information confirms that private civic music education existed before the foundation of the Liceu Conservatoire (the first renowned teaching institution with celebrated power and longevity), highlights that an interest in musical education was common in the pre-industrial era and demonstrates highly developed Catalan music activity and culture from the end of the 18th century.

Key words: history of education, music teaching, teaching spaces, musical methods, music consumption, Catalonia and Barcelona 1800.

Author Biography

Oriol Brugarolas Bonet, Universitat de Barcelona



Assays and researches