Freinet and Spanish teachers: the configuration of a social and pedagogical movement (1969-1983)


  • Tamar Groves Universidad de Extremadura (Espanya)


Célestin Freinet, Pedagogical Renewal Movements, Teacher Training, Democratic Transition, Social Movements.


At the end of the 70s, the Spanish Freinetian movement once again emerges after Francoist repression. In this second stage it extends across the country spreading the techniques of the French pedagogue, Célestin Freinet and the ideas that accompanied them. This article aims to look into the concept of «Pedagogical Militancy» adopted by the movement and into its implications during the democratic transition in Spain. First, a study is made of the resurgence of the Freinetian movement in the heart of the social mobilisation that characterised the country at that time. Second, an analysis is conducted of how the legacy of Freinet was instrumental in forging a teacher identity as a professional of education and at the same time as an activist committed to social purposes. Third, it is pointed out how Freinetian teachers, in relation to this double identity, were a key element in the heart of the pedagogical renewal movements that emerged during late Francoism and the democratic transition. This phenomenon, as is shown throughout the paper, had an impact both on school culture and also on teacher training in Spain at the beginning of the democracy.

Key words: Célestin Freinet, Pedagogical Renewal Movements, Teacher Training, Democratic Transition, Social Movements.



Assays and researches