La Pronunciació de llatinismes i d'italianismes en el Diccionari ortogràfic i de pronúncia


  • David Paloma
  • Mònica Montserrat


The pronunciation of latinisms and italianisms in the Diccionari ortogràfic i de pronúncia The present article presents the Diccionari ortogràfic i de pronúncia (DOP) by Jordi Bruguera, published in 1990, in the context of the almost simultaneous appearance of a work which is fundamental to the study of Catalan pronunciation: the Proposta per a un estàndard oral de la llengua catalana. I Fonètica (PEOF), published by the Institut dEstudis Catalans. This is followed by an analysis of the real extent of unreduced a, e and o in Latinisms and Italianisms in DOP, a phenomenon not covered in PEOF. The results show, for example, that unstressed a, e and o in Latinisms are not reduced in expressions containing more than one word or in abbreviations of other lexical expressions. Likewise, these vowels are not reduced in Italianisms related to music in the field of kinetics. On the other hand, they are reduced in practically all historical Italianisms.




