El Teatre de Baltasar Porcel i la censura franquista


  • Francesc Foguet i Boreu


The Plays of Baltasar Porcel and Francoist Censorship The theatrical records housed in the Public Record Office of the local government of Alcalá de Henares concerning some of the works of Baltasar Porcel reveal the formalities, procedures and parameters laid down by the machinery of Francoist censorship. The present study analyses the applications to publish Els condemnats (1959), La simbomba fosca (1962) and Teatre (1965), and also the requests for permission to stage Història duna guerra, El general, Romanç de cec, Els condemnats, La simbomba fosca and Èxode, which were made by various companies from 1966 to 1973. The censors ensured that works for publication or performance adhered to the orthodox ideology and morals of the Franco régime, so they were quick to censure those that, explicitly or implicitly, contained veiled criticism of the Francoist dictatorship or directly attacked the pillars of the régime, such as the Head of State, the Church or the army.




