Un manuscrit de Josep Pla per a la tercera edició de Cartes de lluny


  • Lluís Quintana Trias


Analysis of the successive changes in the text of Cartes de lluny by Josep Pla (Barcelona: Joventut, 1948), based on the books with the same title previously published and the manuscript that, along with the unpublished correspondence between Pla and Joventuts owner, is to be found in the publishing house. The analysis allows us to see how Pla attempted to offer a work that was constantly improving and in accord with what at each particular moment he found most desirable. Thus the changes of publisher and the supposed break with signed contracts were always in pursuit of the objectives of a professional writer in search of the best possible conditions for his product. Rewriting and republishing the same text made it possible for him, at the same time, to contribute to a renovation of literary genres that he had conceived before the Civil War and that would later culminate in Quadern gris, and which exemplifies a genuinely modern conception of literary authorship.




