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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La tramesa no ha estat publicada anteriorment, ni tampoc no s’ha enviat anteriorment a una altra revista (o s’ha proporcionat una explicació a «Comentaris a l’editor/a»).
  • Cada una de les persones que figura com a autor ha participat de manera rellevant en el disseny i el desenvolupament de l’article, assumeix la responsabilitat dels contiguts i està d'acord amb la versió definitiva del treball.
  • El fitxer de la tramesa és en format Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect. El text és en interlineat simple, utilitza un tipus de lletra de 12 punts i aplica cursiva en lloc de subratllat (excepte per a les adreces URL). Totes les il·lustracions, figures i taules s’han ubicat a la posició que els correspon, i no al final del text.
  • El text compleix els requisits estilístics i bibliogràfics establerts a la secció «Indicacions per als autors/es» de la pàgina «Quant a la revista».
  • Per a les trameses a seccions revisades per persones expertes, s’han seguit les instruccions de la secció «Com assegurar una revisió cega».

  • L’autor accepta la introducció de canvis en el contingut, si escau, després de la revisió, i de canvis d’estil del treball per part del Consell Editorial de la revista.

Author Guidelines

Stylesheet guidelines for authors

1. Description. The Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics is a scientific journal, first published in 1952, for historians interested in studies from Prehistory right up to the modern day. It publishes academic articles on the history of Catalonia, or on universal topics that are of particular methodological interest and can serve as a reference for specific works focusing on Catalan-speaking nations and regions. Therefore, only articles with scientific contributions, presented in the correct format with critical device and bibliography, will be accepted. Manuscripts will be double-blind peerreviewed.
It is an open access peer-reviewed journal published once a year by the IEC.
The interest and originality of the work as well as the scientific and linguistic rigor are valued. The content of the submitted articles shall not have been published previously and shall not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. A maximal extension of between 15 and 20 pages is recommended, excluding tables and references.

2. Indexing. Included in CAHUS Plus+; ISOC, DIALNET, OAIster, LATINDEX,

3. Dissemination. With the aim of promoting dissemination and global exchange of knowledge the Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics provides immediate open access to its digital contents in both portals of the IEC through the URLs and

4. Editorial process a) Articles reception. The Editorial Board will notify the authors of their articles receipt and in due course will inform of its acceptance or rejection. The notification of receipt of an article does not imply its acceptance or rejection. b) Internal review. The Editorial Board will consider the work for publication after a first editorial evaluation consisting of verifying:
1) the adaptation to the thematic field and the interest of the article based on the editorial criteria of the journal; 2) the fulfilment of the requirements of formal presentation demanded by the journal.
c) External review. Once the article has been considered suitable for publication it will be sent to be evaluated by two expert reviewers, external or from the Scientific Council, in a confidential and anonymous (double-blind) way. The reviewers will indicate: whether it has the scientific category required; if the contributions are of interest and original; if it is presented with scientific rigor and in the right format. In the case of different judgements between the two reviewers the work will be sent to a third evaluator. d) Reviewers’ selection criteria. The selection of the reviewers is the responsibility of the journal's editors who take into account their academic, scientific and professional expertise. It includes specialists from both national and international sources. Reviewers may occasionally be members of the Scientific Council.

e) Editorial policy criteria. The journal’s Editorial Board reserves the right based on external reports to accept or reject articles, as well as to introduce stylistic changes or to cut texts that exceed the permitted extension with the commitment to respect the original content. The factors on which the acceptance or refusal decision is based (on the part of the publishers of the journal) are the following:
1) originality: full original text, valuable information, repetition of known results;
2) current and novel;
3) relevance: applicability of results for the resolution of specific problems;
4) significant for the advancement of scientific knowledge;
5) reliable and scientifically valid: proven methodological quality;
6) presentation: well written, organized (logical coherence and material presentation).
f) Publication process. Once the evaluation process has been completed the principal
author will be notified of the work’s acceptance or rejection.

5. Ethical responsibilities. Journal publishers are not responsible or guarantors of the information contained in the articles they publish to the maximum extent permitted by the law. Any point of view expressed in this journal corresponds solely to the authors' point of view, and it is not attributable in any case to the publishers nor to the institutions and universities involved.

6. Submission of manuscripts. Manuscripts must be sent electronically to the Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics ( ) in a word file, with Times New Roman letter 12, the spacing of the text to 1.5 and justified. The pages must be numbered at the foot. A letter from the requesting author is required asking to evaluate their work with the view of a possible publication. It must also contain: full name of the author, postal and email address, telephone number; title of the article; declaration on the adequacy of the work presented to the journal and description of the novelties that the work contributes; if wanted, awards to any project or institution that has supported the article can be included. If the authors wish they can suggest up to four reviewers considered appropriate for the revision of their work, as well as up to four reviewers they would rather not intervene in the revision of their article. When listing these reviewers, it is necessary to indicate their name, institution, telephone number and email (the suggested referees cannot belong to the same institution as the authors of the manuscripts).

7. Declarations. Submitting a manuscript to be published in the journal requires and implies the commitment on the part of the authors to: a) Originality: that the submitted work has not been submitted to any other journal for its publication, submitted only to the journal Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics for evaluation and publication (exceptions are made for: the possible publication of a summary; as part of a published conference; academic dissertation; in pre-printed academic format). b) Authorship (declaration that all authors have read and approved the manuscript and that the requirements for authorship have been met). Each one of the persons who appears as author must have participated in the design and development of the article and will have to assume responsibility for the content agreeing with the definitive version of the work. In general, in order to be an author, the following requirements must be fulfilled: having contributed substantially to the design and development of the article, to the acquisition of the data or to the analysis and subsequent interpretation; having written the draft of the article or having critically reviewed the intellectual content, and having approved the version that is finally sent.
c) Copyright. The intellectual property of the articles is with the respective authors. With the statements made by the authors in the delivery of the articles, the publishing rights are ceded to the Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics. Likewise, for the online magazine version, they give their consent to the dissemination through the Creative Commons License, which authorizes the general public to reproduce, distribute and communicate the work as long as it recognizes the authorship and the entity that publishes it and does not make a commercial use or derivative work. “The work is subject, unless otherwise indicated in the text, in the photographs or in other illustrations, to a license ‘Recognition - Non-commercial - Without derivative works 3.0 Spain’ of Creative Commons, the full text of which can be consulted in 3.0/es/deed.en. Therefore, when the author submits its collaboration they explicitly accept this assignment of edition and publication rights. The rights derived from legitimate uses or other limitations recognized by law are not affected by the authorization above." d) If the article is accepted for publication in the journal it will not be published
again in any other place in the same way, neither in Catalan nor in any other language, without the written consent of the publisher and of the owners of the copyright. f) Introduction of changes. The introduction of changes to the content, if applicable, will be accepted by the editorial board of the magazine after the revision, including changes in the style of the manuscript.
8. Headings. The heading of the article must be the title. Under this write the author’s name and a footnote with the e-mail, and under this the institution the author belongs to; following this a second bloc including an abstract, some keywords in the same language as the article, then the title in English and the abstract and keywords also in English, following the scheme:

TITLE OF THE ARTICLE (The title must refer to the content of the text and must be a succinct description of the subject it deals with)

AUTHOR’S NAME AND SURNAME(S) (With a footnote with the e-mail)
Academic or research institution name (For more than one author they must be placed one under each other, each one with their institution below) Received XX XX XX. Accepted XX XX XX (to be completed by the editors)

ABSTRACT Abstract’s text (The abstract in the article’s language must include the purpose of the work, the methodology and a synopsis of the results and work conclusions). We suggest no more than 150 words.

KEYWORDS Four to ten keywords separated by commas.
TITLE in English ABSTRACT English translation of the abstract’s text
KEYWORDS English translation of the Keywords separated by commas.

9. Article’s structure. The article has to be subdivided into sections containing the essential elements such as introduction, methodology and materials, results and discussion, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliography. The article must be divided in clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections have to be numbered: 1.1 (1.1.1, 1.1.2...), 1.2, etc. A maximum of three levels of tiles is recommended. It is convenient to use this numbering to make references. You can enter short headings in the sections. Appendixes should be headed A, B, etc.

10. Text. Underlining shall not be used for anything within the text. Italics shall be used for other languages (including Latin) as well as for emphasizing words or phrases. Splitting a word because of the end of a line is not accepted, neither "widows" or "orphan"

11. Citations. Quoting shall be reduced to a minimum and the source will be specified with the corresponding citation. If quotations follow a colon and the fragment ends in a full stop it will be better to write them in a single indented paragraph. Textual quotations within the text shall go in quotation marks and in round letter (whatever language of quotation). Quotations in a single indented paragraph shall go in small round letter and without quotation marks.

12. References. The bibliography list shall be placed at the end of the article, ordered alphabetically by the surname of the first author (it is necessary that there is always an author, a curator, a director, etc., in order to be able to refer to it in the text as indicated below).
Reference to a book: author’s surname or surnames in small caps separated with a comma from the first name in lowercase (with the initial capital letter) or only its initial - if there is more than one author they shall appear separated by semicolon -, publication year in brackets (more than one reference from the same author(s) in the same year must be ordered alphabetically by title and identified by the letters 'a', 'b', 'c', etc., placed after the year of publication), all of that followed by full a stop. Title in italics followed by a full stop. Publication place separated with a colon from the editor’s name, ended by a full
Example: SALES, Núria (1991). Mules, ramblers i fires. Reus: Edicions del Centre de Cultura.
Reference to a journal publication: name(s) of author(s) and publication year like in the above ‘book’ section. The tile of the article in round letter and in low quotes, ended by a full stop. Journal name in italics; volume number (and if necessary publication day and month between brackets). Pages within the journal after a coma and preceded by a ‘p.’ (both in singular and plural).
Example: ASHTOR, Elihayu (1978). «Aspetti della espansione italiana nel Basso
Medioevo». Rivista Storica Italiana, vol. XC, núm. 1, p. 5-29.
Reference to a chapter in an edited book: name(s) of author(s) and publication year like in the above ‘book’ section. The preposition ‘In’ followed by a colon. The rest shall be treated like in the above ‘book’ section.
Example: PUJADES RÚBIES, Isabel. «L’expansió demogràfica de 1857 a 1980: de la ciutat industrial a la ciutat metropolitana». In: ADROHER, Anna Maria (ed.) (1989-1990). Història urbana del Pla de Barcelona: Actes del II Congrés d’Història del Pla de Barcelona celebrat a l’Institut Municipal d’Història els dies 6 i 7 de desembre de 1985.Vol. I. Barcelona: Ajuntament, p. 193-204. By collective works formed by independent volumes that have different authors the particular book and the collective work must be treated as in the above ‘book’ section and
‘In:’ shall be placed between the two.
Example: FONTANA, Josep (1988). La fi de l’Antic Règim i la industrialització: 1787-1868. In: VILAR, Pierre (dir.). Història de Catalunya. Vol. V. Barcelona: Edicions 62. Footnotes have to be consecutively numbered and separated with a point and a distance of an em quad from the text that follows («1.», «2.», etc.); the calls must be composed flown («1» «2», etc.) and must immediately go behind the punctuation marks, if any. The text of the notes must be composed in small print, it must be short and should avoid digressions on the subject or extensions thereof. It is recommended not to make references to the works of the bibliography in a note, but inside the general text, putting in brackets the surname of the author in lower case (except the initial), a comma, the publication year, another comma and the corresponding page or pages preceded by the abbreviation ‘p.’. Example: (Bensch, 1989, p. 324-325). It is also permitted to reference the bibliography in the notes, without a bibliographical
list at the end of the article. In the first reference you have to write the complete
bibliographic reference as explained above, but with two differences: without investing the surnames and the first name, and with all the information separated by commas.
Example: Stephen BENSCH (1989), «La primera crisis bancaria de Barcelona», Anuario de Estudios Medievales, núm. 19, p. 324-325. In case of more than one citation of the same publication, only the surname shall be in small caps (apart from the initial capital letter), the year in brackets, a comma and the pages. Example of first mention: Núria SALES (1991), Mules, ramblers i fires, Reus,
Edicions del Centre de Lectura, p. 25-32. Example of following citations: SALES (1991), p. 25-32.

13. Artwork. Images have to be submitted in separate files in JPEG, TIFF or PDF. Resolution: minimum 300 ppi. Images will be reproduced in black and white. Number the illustrations according to their sequence in the text (Fig. 1. Fig. 2. …). Captions of the figures are to be delivered in a single Word file. A caption should comprise a brief title and the illustration’s author. Graphics and tables have to be submitted in separate files. If made with Excel they shall be submitted in original format. We kindly request authors to submit their work complying with these regulations, as this will save a lot of time.

Privacy Statement

Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC) complies with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016). In accordance with this regulation, we state that, with the acceptance of the publication rules, authors authorise that their personal data (forenames and surnames, contact data and affiliation data) may be published in the respective volume of the journal Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics.

These data will be incorporated to a processing controlled by IEC for the purpose of managing this publication. The authors’ data will be used solely for managing the publication of the journal Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics and they will not be transferred to third parties nor will transfers be made to third countries or to international organisations. Once Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics has been published, these data will be stored as part of the historical record of authors. Authors may exercise the rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, restriction of processing and portability by addressing themselves in writing to Institut d’Estudis Catalans (Carrer del Carme, 47, 08001 Barcelona, Spain) or by sending an e-mail to the address, in which the publication in question should be specified.