Estat Català (1944-1982), continuïtat prou desconeguda i represa d'un partit antifranquista a partir de l'Arxiu de Josep Planchart


  • Lluís Duran i Solà


Estat Català was the first pro-independence organisation, founded by Francesc Macià, and Franco's regime was particularly aggressive towards it. Based on the documentation of Josep Planchart, the start of this period saw a split in pro-independence movements between the EC and the Front Nacional de Catalunya. During this period, the EC's policy was to support the Catalan government and not break from the Catalan Republican exiles. Once they realised that Franco's dictatorship would last, EC members devoted themselves to actions related to Catalan culture. When the party system was restored, the EC again tried to unite pro-Catalan supporters and ensure democracy and autonomy, in spite of its opposition to the Spanish Constitution which did not guarantee the right to self-government.


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How to Cite

Duran i Solà, L. (2017). Estat Català (1944-1982), continuïtat prou desconeguda i represa d’un partit antifranquista a partir de l’Arxiu de Josep Planchart. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (28), 471–526. Retrieved from


