La Revolució de la màquina d'escriure. Notes sobre la Comissió del Patrimoni Artístic i Arqueològic de Girona (1936-1938)


  • Joaquim Nadal i Farreras


This article reveals new documents, found in the Diocesan Archives, about the Commission for the Artistic and Archaeological Heritage of Girona. Especially focusing on its internal operational system, these documents help us shed new light on aspects of the everyday life of the Commission, its relationship with public administrations and citizens, the lack of material support and the ambition of its different projects. It also clarifies the figure of Josep Pujol Albanell, the only unidentified member, and reveals different aspects related to the finding, recovery and preservation of a Bohemian medieval manuscript (Martirologi dUsuard) and on the partial destruction of St. Peters parish church of Figueres and the failure to prevent it.


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How to Cite

Nadal i Farreras, J. (2016). La Revolució de la màquina d’escriure. Notes sobre la Comissió del Patrimoni Artístic i Arqueològic de Girona (1936-1938). Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (27), 207–234. Retrieved from




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