Josep Badia, Carlisme, socialisme i cristianisme


  • Lluís Duran i Solà


Josep Badia i Torras was the foremost representative of Catalan Carlism in the period from the end of Francos Dictatorship up to the Transition. He wanted to modernise the philosophy and structure of a political force that had used, as a motif for its existence, the slogan «God, Fatherland, Region and King». Under the leadership of Carlos Hugo of the Bourbon-Parma family, Badias aim was to position the Carlist party of Catalonia among the ranks of the opposition to Franco, with the party following the ideological line of self-management socialism and a Spanish state that would respect, via federalism, the countrys multi-nation status, and an austere monarchy, close to the people, that would defend values. Badias attempt did not arrive in time to revive Catalan Carlism in the political arena of the time.


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How to Cite

Duran i Solà, L. (2016). Josep Badia, Carlisme, socialisme i cristianisme. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (27), 75–129. Retrieved from



The invisible ones. Intellectuals and politicians brought back from oblivion