De la Mancomunitat de Catalunya a la Generalitat Republicana (1914-1933). Les primeres institucions autòctones de la contemporaneïtat


  • Enric Pujol i Casademont


The 20th century was characterised by the creation of separate political institutions for Catalonia for the first time since 1714. The first was the Mancomunitat de Catalunya (the joint community of Catalonia), officially set up in 1914 and dissolved on the establishment of Primo de Riveras dictatorship. In spite of having very limited political powers, this acquired great symbolic value: that of Catalan self-government. The second institution, with much more political weight, was the Generalitat de Catalunya of 1931, an assembly directly inherited from the Catalan Republic declared by Francesc Macià on the 14th of April that year. It was, however, no easy task for Catalonia to secure its own political regime.


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How to Cite

Pujol i Casademont, E. (2015). De la Mancomunitat de Catalunya a la Generalitat Republicana (1914-1933). Les primeres institucions autòctones de la contemporaneïtat. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (26), 115–128. Retrieved from



Symposium: The Catalan Way, 1705-2014. The construction of a political nation