Els Fets d'octubre de 1934 a Catalunya: entre l'acció de govern i la mobilització social


  • Manel López Esteve


The events of October 1934 have been one of the most controversial and difficult to explain in the history of the Second Republic in Catalonia. This thesis presents an explanation and description of that Catalan October that, along with the actions of the Catalan government and institutional conflict, includes all its different dimensions and diversity of components. Based on the multishaped nature of this mobilisation and the fact that the events in October were due to the fear of left-wing forces that the rise in the CEDA government would lead to the annihilation of the democratic Republic, this thesis presents an explanation of the events of October focusing on the social conflict and socio-political confrontation and on the fear of losing the social gains achieved and the expectations held by many subaltern classes of furthering or going beyond the Republic of the 14th of April. This thesis therefore analyses the actions of the Catalan government and the institutional confl ict but especially the social and popular dimension of the 6th of October through the actions of the working class movement, the rabassaires and poor peasants, the basis of left-wing pro-Catalan republicanism and the repression after defeat.


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How to Cite

López Esteve, M. (2014). Els Fets d’octubre de 1934 a Catalunya: entre l’acció de govern i la mobilització social. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (24), 631–649. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/83409.001



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