Just Cabot: el periodisme espapçat, la Catalunya impossible


  • Valentí Soler Noguera


The figure and work of the journalist Just Cabot go hand-in-hand with the weekly Mirador (Barcelona, 1929-1937), a publication that Carles Singla has defi ned as «a model of newspaper at the service of an idea of country». This ideal country, for which Cabot and his journalistic peers worked, gradually took shape in Republican Catalonia, in that cosmopolitan and culturally advanced Barcelona that the Civil War erased and Francos regime buried and persistently persecuted. Cabots case is actually the perfect metaphor for a twofold tragedy: Republican Catalan journalism and a Catalonia that was no longer possible. Both would end up defeated, exiled and annihilated by unending repression and an implacable programme of oblivion.


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How to Cite

Soler Noguera, V. (2014). Just Cabot: el periodisme espapçat, la Catalunya impossible. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (24), 581–594. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/83389.001


