Exili i repressió a la França de Vichy. El cas de Lluís Nicolau d'Olwer


  • Jordi Guixé i Coromines


Republicans suffered from continued repression during their political exile in France. The repressive system of Francos regime reached beyond the Pyrenees. There were many different reasons for carrying out actions abroad against exiles: on the one hand, the obsession of Francos supporters to eliminate and oppress anyone considered to be a «Red» or, in other words, Republican, irrespective of the details of their political leanings; on the other hand, the international situation: a collaborating France ready to follow Nazi-Fascist designs after signing the armistice. That summer, Catalan and Spanish political refugees with a position in Republic institutions or parties started to be hunted down. This hunt was supported by the bilateral Bérard-Jordana Agreement of February 1939 but also by the so-called Commission for the Recovery of Goods Abroad, led in France by the military attaché, Colonel Antonio Barroso y Sánchez Guerra, and by the ambassador himself, José Félix de Lequerica. One of the most closely watched and persecuted Republicans was Lluís Nicolau dOlwer. Detained, interrogated and about to be extradited to Spain, he managed to save his skin thanks to help from his also exiled lawyer friends, Eduard Ragasol, JM Sbert and notably thanks to the Mexican plenipotentiary minister in Vichy: Luís Ignacio Rodríguez. The case of Nicolau dOlwer is, moreover, a special one, unique: a political-economic negotiation that was decisive in preventing him from being given up to Franco. The Nicolau case also shows us Francos network of agents used to pursue exiles and the confusion of French politicians when dealing with complex cases of extradition.


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How to Cite

Guixé i Coromines, J. (2014). Exili i repressió a la França de Vichy. El cas de Lluís Nicolau d’Olwer. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (24), 405–418. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/83383.001



Exile and Francoist repression of Catalan historians