La Crisi de 1866 i després: antecedents i conseqüències


  • Pere Pascual i Domènech


This article deals with the process that gave rise to one of the most extensive financial crises ever suffered by Catalonia: the 1866 crisis. Th e first part sets out the economic situation of the period 1835-1862. It then explains, successively, the need to invest heavily in building a railway network to boost the consolidation and expansion of Catalan industry; the huge spread of the 1856-65 railway «madness» and financial imbalances experienced by railway companies; the reasons why the railway companies went bankrupt and other factors that lay behind the stock market crash of 1866 and the downfall of a large proportion of Barcelonas banks. To end, this article looks at the effects and the exit of the crisis which, some years later, culminated in another speculative bubble (the «febre dor» or gold fever), followed by another crash and another economic depression.


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How to Cite

Pascual i Domènech, P. (2014). La Crisi de 1866 i després: antecedents i conseqüències. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (24), 317–348. Retrieved from



Times of crisis. A transversal perspective on the history of Catalonia