Josep de C. Serra i Ràfols o la voluntat de continuïtat ideològica de l'arqueologia, des de la Mancomunitat i malgrat el Franquisme


  • Xavier Barral i Altet


Homage to the fi gure of Josep de Calasanç Serra i Ràfols, Republican and Pro-Catalan archaeologist and historian. This paper reviews his work from the period before the Spanish Civil War, with the publication of the archaeological chart of Baetulo-Blanda, El poblament prehistòric de Catalunya, his work at the Archaeological Research Unit and in creating the Museum of Archaeology of Catalonia together with Pere Bosch Gimpera, an undertaking that was cut short by the Civil War and taken up again, with difficulty, as conservator of the museum and within the Comisaría Provincial de Excavaciones Arqueológicas (Provincial Commissioner's Office for Archaeological Excavations), always guided by the firm desire to reconstruct Catalonia and to ensure the survival of the work carried out before Franco's dictatorship.


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How to Cite

Barral i Altet, X. (2014). Josep de C. Serra i Ràfols o la voluntat de continuïtat ideològica de l’arqueologia, des de la Mancomunitat i malgrat el Franquisme. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (24), 85–100. Retrieved from



Homage to Josep de Calasanç Serra i Ràfols