Forma conventus Tarraconensis I: Baetulo-Blanda. La primera carta arqueològica de la Península Ibèrica


  • Marta Prevosti i Monclús


Josep de Calasanç Serra i Ràfols dedicated a large part of his professional life to archaeological topography at the archives of the Archaeological Research Unit of the Institute for Catalan Studies and to monitoring the discovery and development of archaeological sites in Catalonia. In line with this work, in 1928 he was the author of the first archaeological map published on the Iberian Peninsula, one of the first corresponding to the Forma Orbis Romani programme of the International Academic Union. After the Spanish Civil War, we suggest that he was the main author behind the Carta Arqueológica de España. Barcelona (Archaeological Map of Spain. Barcelona), the third archaeological chart published on the Iberian Peninsula.


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How to Cite

Prevosti i Monclús, M. (2014). <i>Forma conventus Tarraconensis I: Baetulo-Blanda.</i> La primera carta arqueològica de la Península Ibèrica. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (24), 67–84. Retrieved from



Homage to Josep de Calasanç Serra i Ràfols

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