L'Art i la Revista de Catalunya


  • Francesc Fontbona i de Vallescar


In the first Revista de Catalunya, those writing about art were C. Martinell, A. Duran i Sanpere, J. Folch i Torres, J. Puig i Cadafalch and sporadically N. M. Rubió i Tudurí, J. de C. Serra Ràfols, A. del Castillo, A. Maseras, X. de Salas, the Valencian F. Almela i Vives and the Mallorcan G. Forteza. The most constant collaborator on art topics was Joan Sacs, the pseudonym of F. Elias, who did a huge amount of work for the publication. Sometimes other authors also wrote about art in the journal, such as Melcior Font, R. Benet, Just Cabot and J. M. Capdevila. S. Gasch, a signatory of the «Manifest Groc» (Yellow Manifest) and diametrically opposed to Elias in ideological terms, published in the midst of war. Afterwards the plastic arts were not greatly represented, except in 1947 by A. Plana. In its renewed version as from 1986, Max Cahner asked me to take care of visual arts and an extremely steady collaboration began with Jaume Pla. Academics such as R. Santos Torroella, J. Ainaud, S. Alcolea Gil, J. Garriga, X. Barral, J. R. Triadó and R. Lacuesta made outstanding contributions. Other contributions by foreigners, such as R. Lubar, K. Morvay, J.M. Murià and Y. Saveliev were also exceptional. But it has been particularly opened up to young researchers.


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How to Cite

Fontbona i de Vallescar, F. (2012). L’Art i la <i>Revista de Catalunya</i>. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (23), 197–211. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/77033.001



About the Revista de Catalunya