Dinàmica del poblament i estructuració del territori a la Laietània interior. Estudi del Vallès Oriental de l'època ibèrica fins a l'Alta Edat Mitjana


  • Marta Flórez i Santasusanna


Landscape research in urban or peri-urban areas implies important methodological constraints. In this sense, the area of study, the Vallès basin, near the city of Barcelona, has undergone an important urbanisation process over the last two decades. This fact restricts the retrieval of archaeological data and the development of archaeological surveys and fieldwalking. Due to the destruction of large agrarian areas, territorial research has focused on a complete study of the archaeological information available from several documentary sources (bibliography, Archaeological Heritage Inventory of Catalonia [IPAC], etc.), intensive work with historical cartography and old aerial photography within a geographic information system (GIS) environment, and on archaeological and archaeomorphological surveys developed in several micro-regional areas. This paper presents the results of the archaeological research developed in the Vallès basin (Barcelona); the diversity of sources analysed have allowed us to characterise the diachronic settlements dynamic, analyse the occupation forms of the territory, and identify the historical road network.


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How to Cite

Flórez i Santasusanna, M. (2012). Dinàmica del poblament i estructuració del territori a la Laietània interior. Estudi del Vallès Oriental de l’època ibèrica fins a l’Alta Edat Mitjana. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (21), 263–284. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/76031.001



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