"El Signe de l'esclau". Valentí Almirall i la reivindicació de la llengua catalana (1879-1902)


  • Josep M. Figueres i Artigues


The article provides a global view of the conception of language that the politician and journalist Valentí Almirall developed and which he explained throughout his work. It comments on the main texts on the subject that were key to Almiralls philosophy. He considered the social use of the language, and its regularisation, fundamental in terms of social character especially in light of the languages situation of neglect, with its complete marginalisation in the official sphere despite being in full use in the private sphere. Almirall remained dedicated to this issue throughout his life, not only in an analytical form, describing reality, but also demanding political measures, official recognition and specific initiatives such as the promotion of an academy for the Catalan language. The article also provides a select anthology of texts by Almirall on this question following the chronological order in which they were published.


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How to Cite

Figueres i Artigues, J. M. (2012). "El Signe de l’esclau". Valentí Almirall i la reivindicació de la llengua catalana (1879-1902). Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (21), 177–216. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/76014.001




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