Pere Bosch Gimpera: el més jove, vital i escandalós de la "Colla de l'Ateneu"


  • Jordi Cortadella Morral


Pere Bosch Gimpera: the youngest, liveliest and most scandalous member of the «Ateneu gang». Pere Bosch Gimpera (1891 Barcelona - 1974 Mexico) was a Catalan born Mexican archaeologist and political. He studied law and classical philology in Barcelona (1910), in which he obtained a doctorate in 1911. With the aim of becoming professor of History he also obtained a doctorate in History in 1913. From 1911 to 1914 he studied Greek Philology, Prehistory and Ancient History in Berlin, with masters as A. Frickenhaus, H. Schmidt and G. Kossinna. From 1916 to 1939, he was chair of Ancient and Medieval History at the University of Barcelona. At the same time he served as director of the Archaeological Research Service of the Institut dEstudis Catalans. Between 1933 and 1939, he was rector of the University. Involved in Catalan politics, he was Minister of Justice (1937-39) of Catalonia in the Government of Lluís Companys. After the Spanish Civil War he went into exile in Mexico.


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How to Cite

Cortadella Morral, J. (2012). Pere Bosch Gimpera: el més jove, vital i escandalós de la "Colla de l’Ateneu". Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (22), 201–234. Retrieved from


