Els Hispani: emigrats hispanogots a Europa (segles VIII-X)


  • Josep M. Salrach Marès


The hispani: Hispano-Goths emigrants in Europe (VIII-X centuries). We propose to study the migratory movement Hispano-Goths leaving the Muslim Hispania (Al-Andalus) following the Muslim conquest of Hispania. For religious, political and economic reasons, the hispani, as they will be called, leave and flee northward, to the Catalan counties that are outside Muslim rule and to Septimania, from 713-720 until the tenth century in a constant dripping. We have studied the chronology of the different waves of migrants and the causes that motivate them, by differentiating the clericswho made a crucial task of spreading the Gothic culture in Europefromthe rest of Hispano-Gothsnobility and peasants. It follows sites of establishment and how they established in the new territorythey enjoyed a special legal status granted by Charlemagne, and some of the conflicts that arose, such as those with viscounty and county families of the area as a consequence of trying to turn the occupied land (aprisio) into full properties.


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How to Cite

Salrach Marès, J. M. (2011). Els <i>Hispani</i>: emigrats hispanogots a Europa (segles VIII-X). Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (20), 31–50. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/68149.001


