Josep Irla, president de la Generalitat de Catalunya (1940-1954)


  • Mercè Morales Montoya


Josep Irla, president of the Catalan autonomous government - Generalitat of Catalonia (1940-1954). The importance of some political figures is confined to the institutional area, and this is why through the history of the institutions we can find out about them. This is the case of the President of the Generalitat Josep Irla, who was propelled into the top government position without ever having been a candidate for the presidency or an experienced political leader. The extraordinary circumstances that encompassed his political rise, from the top echelons of the administration of the Generalitat to the presidency of the Catalan Parliament and, later, the presidency of the Generalitat, provide us with quite a few insights into the political history of the country during the Civil War and exile.


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How to Cite

Morales Montoya, M. (2011). Josep Irla, president de la Generalitat de Catalunya (1940-1954). Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (20), 9–28. Retrieved from



Opening speech