Jaume I: una valoració del regnat


  • Josep M. Salrach Marès


The objective of this article is to make an evaluation of the reign of James I. The method consists on comparing the political situation inherited by the king with the legacy at the reigns end. The comparison between both situations results as a positive evaluation from the point of view of the general history of the Crown of Aragon, framed in the limits of the Middle Ages. Although James I is a very present king in the memory of the scholars and, in a certain way, of the people from Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia and even Castilla. It is for this reason that a second evaluation is done, as a result of the contemporary opinion about James I. The article finishes with a personal reflection of the author about the figure and act of James I.


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How to Cite

Salrach Marès, J. M. (2010). Jaume I: una valoració del regnat. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (19), 87–100. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/60288.001


