Els Almogàvers: les cares d'un mite


  • Anton Maria Espadaler


The almogàvers were mercenary warriors with a special status in the armies of the Crown of Aragon. They were mentioned by the king James the Conqueror and described by Desclot. They take the chief role in the chapters in which Ramon Muntaner tells their outmost exploit: the adventure in the Byzantine Empire that brought to the kings of Aragon the title of dukes of Athens and Neopàtria. Later on, their example will be brought up in difficult times war of Succession, war against Napoleon and finally the Renaixença vindicated them and turned them into a myth. This article analyses the treatment they received from the Catalan and Castilian literature starting with the early texts and particularly during the XIX and XX centuries along a track which reveals how they are an imperfect myth since the violent aspects emphasized by the Greek propagandahave turned in an obstacle impossible to overcome.


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How to Cite

Espadaler, A. M. (2009). Els Almogàvers: les cares d’un mite. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (18), 35–51. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/53189.001


