Les Publicacions periòdiques a Catalunya en el moment del Diari català (1879-1881): cens i estudi estadístic : premsa comarcal


  • Josep M. Figueres i Artigues


Panoramic censal of the publication set that appears in the Catalonia of the Restoration in the years of life of the Diari Català (Daily Catalan, 1879-1881). They are classified by thematic and regularity, the repertoire is in Catalan language and also offered in Spanish language and of the daily press and the regular press. They are considered the publications of Barcelona and of the rest of Catalonia. It is, then, a x-ray of the publications that appear in a moment of great vitality that allows to locate the newspaper of Valentí Almirall in the publishing context and at the same time to locate the statistical quantification of heading relations: Catalan / Spanish/, informative and politics / instrumental and utilitarian.


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How to Cite

Figueres i Artigues, J. M. (2008). Les Publicacions periòdiques a Catalunya en el moment del <i>Diari català</i> (1879-1881): cens i estudi estadístic : premsa comarcal. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (17), 111–139. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/33128.001




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