La Resistència liberal de Lleida davant la invasio dels Cent Mil Fills de Sant Lluís


  • Antoni Sánchez Carcelén


Before the failure of the inner counter-revolution conducted by the royalists, practically from the beginning of the constitutional system inaugurated by the revolution of Riego, the absolutists elements organized by means of the celebration of the congress of Verona the invasion of the Spanish territory by the French troops (One Hundred Thousand Children of Saint Louis). The reaction of the local institutions of Lleida, the Paeria (city council) principally, arrived promptly. Quickly they rejected fervently the foreign imposition and they organized the inner resistance of the city. This resistance ran into the economic shortage of the municipal property, for this reason they had to make a defensive warfare. This tactics were successful since they resisted to the invasion until the last day of the month of October 1823, to turned themselves together with cities like Barcelona or Tarragona, into the bastions of liberalism.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Carcelén, A. (2008). La Resistència liberal de Lleida davant la invasio dels Cent Mil Fills de Sant Lluís. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (17), 39–62. Retrieved from



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