L'Univers de la política en la Catalunya de la Restauració : Manresa, 1875-1923


  • Gemma Rubí Casals


The purpose of this article is to deal with a subject that has been scarcely studied in the Catalan historiography: the slow transition from liberal regimes to democracy. This phenomenon is analysed through a case study the political system of the town of Manresa (Catalonia, Spain), regarded as an archetype of the medium-sized town of the urban industrial fabric of Catalonia during the Bourbon Restoration (1875-1923). The empirical study conducted in this local framework enables us to define a transition model from elite to mass politics that may be extrapolated to other Catalan towns of a similar size. This model combines different elements, among which the following should be underlined: the progress of representative vote; the development of mass politics and a certain political pluralism; the capacity for mobilization demonstrated by political Catholicism; the importance of cliental relationships and the emergence of a new-style cliental patronage, connected with party interests.


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How to Cite

Rubí Casals, G. (2006). L’Univers de la política en la Catalunya de la Restauració : Manresa, 1875-1923. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (16), 237–259. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/19750.001



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