El Moviment per la pau dels anys vuitanta a Catalunya


  • Enric Prat


This investigation on the movement for the peace has been carried out for two main reasons. The first one is to have a complete study on the pacifist movement of the years eighty that was one of the most important of the contemporary history of Catalonia. The second purpose has been to get that the fundamental elements of this movement can be incorporate to the collective memory and the books of synthesis of contemporary history of Catalonia. The dissertation is based on the documents of the pacifist and antimilitarists organizations and also in the answers of hundred seventy five activists of that movement to a prepared questionnaire for the author. The main topics treaties are: the factors that conditioned the appearance, the development and the reflux of the movement, their activities, the implied sectors and the main gotten results. In a specific way, the feminist antimilitarism is analyzed. An important part of the investigation is centered in the study of the sociological profile, value and ideas of the activists of the movement.


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How to Cite

Prat, E. (2006). El Moviment per la pau dels anys vuitanta a Catalunya. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (16), 287–299. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/19740.001



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