Els Treballadors industrials de Catalunya i el PSUC (1938-1959)


  • Antoni Lardín i Oliver


The doctoral thesis consists of two parts: in the first part is exposed which the political, social, economical and work conditions under which had to be of developing secret activity of the PSUC and the workers of Catalonia had to live or were to survive. The second part divides into two chapters: the first presents the evolution and organic structure of the PSUC and the UGT in Catalonia with the quantification and location of its militancy in populations and factories; the strategy of anti-Franco fight and the internal difficulties for its application. The second chapter includes a relationship of the political, social and work protests that were given in Catalonia a generational analysis of the protagonists of the conflicts and of the staff of the companies and finally, which were the attitudes of the workers and its answers in front of the aggression that supposed the pro-Franco dictatorship for them and in the face of the calls to organisation the participation in the union elections and the instructions that the PSUC launched.


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How to Cite

Lardín i Oliver, A. (2006). Els Treballadors industrials de Catalunya i el PSUC (1938-1959). Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (16), 273–286. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/19737.001



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