Pagesos, mariners i comerciants a la Catalunya litoral. El Maresme a l'època moderna


  • M. Alexandra Capdevila Muntadas


This dissertation has tried to show that during the 16th and 17th centuries the basis of the Maresmes economic growth in the 18th century was established thanks to the demographic expansion, the exclusive cultivation of vineyards, and the strong commercial activity in its ports. The choice of six towns with precise professional identities, some of them more agrarian, some of them with more maritime activities, has allowed to observe that within this economic specialization different behaviours would have taken place. Thus, agrarian towns would have become more rural, whereas the maritime ones would have become more mercantile. Anyhow, the early specialization would have caused a greater vulnerability and dependance of this area before outbreak of wars on the corn crisis due to the food supply problems.


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How to Cite

Capdevila Muntadas, M. A. (2005). Pagesos, mariners i comerciants a la Catalunya litoral. El Maresme a l’època moderna. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (15), 193–203. Retrieved from



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