¿Què cosa es la España? L'Espanya composta segons l'austriacista Francesc de Castellví


  • Joaquím Albareda i Salvador


The Narraciones históricas by Francesc de Castellví are the best available testimony of the Spanish War of Succession and of the next decade. Castellví, who wrote the Narraciones after the confiscation of his goods and after migrating to Vienna, is a narrator who often talks about facts that he himself has lived and he is always well informed. His handwritten work, kept in Vienna, has not been published until recently, but without some paragraphs; one of this, in which Castellví clearly analyses the multinational status of Spain, is the aim of this article. For Castellví, the concept of Spain is basically a geographical one, and at the same time he emphasizes on the concept of the political entity of Corona dAragó and the language identity between Catalonia and Valencia.


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How to Cite

Albareda i Salvador, J. (2005). ¿Què cosa es la España? L’Espanya composta segons l’austriacista Francesc de Castellví. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (15), 113–123. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/19719.001


