Monasteries and the Strengthening of Comital Power. The Case of Pallars and Ribagorça (9th-10th centuries)



Monasticism, counts, power, society, territory, Carolingian World, Early Middle Ages


This article offers a critical reflection on the role that early medieval monasteries played in making up and strengthening Comital Power throughout the 9th and 10th centuries. Specifically, it focuses on the particular case of Pallars and Ribagorça, since, although they are not the best documented Catalan counties, they allow us to see clearly the monastic landscape with which the first counts
of those territories found themselves, how they actively transformed it and how they used it for their own goals. In this way, it shows that the patronage of monasteries was a key part of their political program to build a strong image of their power, increase their influence on the territory and take a leading position in the networks that interconnected and ran local society.


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How to Cite

Costa-Badia, X. (2024). Monasteries and the Strengthening of Comital Power. The Case of Pallars and Ribagorça (9th-10th centuries). Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (33), 159–187. Retrieved from



Congrés-Homenatge a Ramon d'Abadal i de Vinyals (1888-1970)