The high imperial Terra Sigillata of the Roman Villa of Torre Llauder. Consumption model of a privileged community


  • Joan Francesc Clariana Roig Centre d’Estudis d’Arqueologia i Història de Mataró


Roman pottery, sigillata, roman villa, Torre Llauder


Torre Llauder is a roman villa that shows to have a great vitality, on the basis of the quantity and the quality of its discoveries found and for its excellent location close to the coast. It is a place where we see that it would be permanently open to the different trading flows, where the changes and novelties of any kind would arrive with strict punctuality. Among which, in an outstanding place, it would have been the thin ceramic in different varieties of sigillata that they were produced during the roman high-Imperial period, as they be Italian, south Gallic, late Italian, Hispanic and African “A” productions. All these ceramics, indirectly, tell us the daily life of this villa, a few times, of those who have been its users, and, even, we be able appreciate, in the spontaneous inscriptions that arrived, certain features, like the name of the users and as from him, frequently, it is possible to deduce his social status, other indications be able just numerals or schemes, or drawings graffito incised, that it is difficult for us to understand them. We should also be pointed out as one of the inscriptions found probably would do reference to a manufacturer’s freedman of tegulae L·HER(ennius)·OPT(atus).


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Author Biography

Joan Francesc Clariana Roig, Centre d’Estudis d’Arqueologia i Història de Mataró


How to Cite

Clariana Roig, J. F. (2021). The high imperial <i>Terra Sigillata</i> of the Roman Villa of Torre Llauder. Consumption model of a privileged community. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (32), 319–354. Retrieved from


