Josep Dencàs and the accusation of «fascism» concerning Catalan republican separatism


  • Fèlix Villagrasa i Hernàndez Universitat de Barcelona


Dencàs, Puigdollers, Six of October, JEREC, Catalan State, fascism, Nazism, Miquel Badia, independence, Catalonia, anarchism, Marxism, Companys, Second Republic, Foreign Office, ASMAE, paramilitary, Escamots


Josep Dencàs i Puigdollers is one of the most controversial in Catalan political history. Organizer of the Joventuts d’Estat Català (JEREC), a youth support structure, he also adopted a paramilitary character that earned him the accusation of pro-fascism. Dencàs developed the public health and workers’ housing network from the Catalan Government, and also coordinated the operations of October 1934. Prior to these events, he had contacts with the Italian and German consulates, from which it was wanted to deduce his sympathies for the totalitarian regimes of the time. The analysis of the available documentation shows only a tactical approach to the search for support for a pro-independence revolt, which was the goal of the JEREC on 6 October.


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Author Biography

Fèlix Villagrasa i Hernàndez, Universitat de Barcelona

Grup d’Estudis d’Història Cultural i dels Intel·lectuals-GEHCI, Universitat de Barcelona


How to Cite

Villagrasa i Hernàndez, F. (2021). Josep Dencàs and the accusation of «fascism» concerning Catalan republican separatism. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (32), 123–154. Retrieved from


