Ambrose Martin: Irish nationalist. From Estat Català to the defence of Euzkadi’ko Jaurlaritza


  • Pere Soler Paricio Université de Bretagne Sud


Ireland, Catalonia, Basque Country, Paris, interwar period, Spanish Civil War, Estat Català, Basque Nationalist Party, «aberrianos», Sinn Féin, IRA, anti-Treatyites.


This article surveys the life and political engagement of Ambrose Victor Martin, Irish nationalist who joined the Sinn Féin party, fought with the Irish Republican Army during the Irish War of Independence, and took part in the Irish Civil War in the ranks of the anti-treaty forces. This article shall certainly be relevant for Catalan and Spanish historiography because Martin established a direct relation with Estat Català and some Basque nationalists during the twenties. The pages that follow focus on those relations, as well as on the defence of the Basque Country that Martin undertook in Ireland during the Spanish Civil War.


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Author Biography

Pere Soler Paricio, Université de Bretagne Sud

Laboratoire HCTI EA 4249 - Université de Bretagne Sud


How to Cite

Soler Paricio, P. (2021). Ambrose Martin: Irish nationalist. From Estat Català to the defence of Euzkadi’ko Jaurlaritza. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (32), 91–122. Retrieved from


