Romance languages and Catalan


  • Mar Batlle Institut d'Estudis Catalans
  • Joan Anton Rabella Institut d'Estudis Catalans


Romance languages, Catalan, linguistic changes.


This work is divided into two halves. The first, by Mar Batlle, explains the evolution from Late Latin to early Romance in Romania and the appearance of the first written evidence of Romance languages. There is also a brief structural comparison of Latin and Romance languages to provide an overall view of the main linguistic changes that occurred. Finally, the most general classification of Romance language is commented on, in relation to Catalan. The second part, by Joan Anton Rabella, explains the birth of Catalan, how its writing system evolved and the language’s function and general characteristics based on the earliest Catalan texts. It continues with how the use of Catalan as a written language spread to various spheres and ends by looking at the relationship between Catalan and Occitan and the great expansion of Catalan in the Mediterranean.

Keywords: Romance languages, Catalan, linguistic changes.


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How to Cite

Batlle, M., & Anton Rabella, J. (2021). Romance languages and Catalan. Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (31), 119–181. Retrieved from



History of Catalonia, a universal history