Fabra o el filòleg divulgatiu via La Publicitat: les "Converses filològiques"


  • Josep Murgades


This article deals with the work by Pompeu Fabra published in the newspaper La Publicitat from 1919 to 1930. The Catalan philologist wrote hundreds of articles on the Catalan language, an innovative project undertaken by the newspaper as part of its goal to raise awareness of Catalan grammar and writing among the general public, who had a poor grasp of these areas at the time. Fabra's section in the newspaper, called Converses filològiques (Philological conversations), became a point of reference for thousands of Catalans and even continued while Fabra was in exile in France, in the newspaper La Humanitat.


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How to Cite

Murgades, J. (2018). Fabra o el filòleg divulgatiu via <i>La Publicitat</i>: les "Converses filològiques". Butlletí De La Societat Catalana d’Estudis Històrics, (29), 93–108. Retrieved from https://revistes.iec.cat/index.php/BSCEH/article/view/101074.003



The newspaper La Publicitat