

  • Ferran Garcia Querol Societat Catalana de Filosofia. Institut d'Estudis Catalans


Genesis, generativity, monad, perception, time, world of life, teleology.


In everyday life we encounter situations and problems that make us think, but when our thoughts are shared with others we realize that there are different people believing different things about the same matters, scientific theories in contradiction to each other, political ideologies face to face... then a question comes as a result of the relationship between subjective thoughts and intersubjective truth. Since the issue is precisely what the true thing is, we can not presuppose the reality of anything believed and so Husserl proposes the so-called «transcendental reduction»: it is about attention not being payed to real things but being redirected (re-ductio) to the way they are shown instead, to the mere phenomenal consciousness which is the condition of possibility of every reality (that’s the meaning of “transcendental”). From here, we will call true those phenomena whose constitution can be described, that is to say, how they are presented in consciousness and which rules they follow. If their description obviates the formation of phenomena in consciousness over time, it is static; if included, it would be genetic. In this article we will study the temporal dimension of the consciousness, its genesis, which is related with our infinite desire of truth, the genesis of philosophy and science, the human history, the matter of God and human freedom.

Keywords: Genesis, generativity, monad, perception, time, world of life, teleology.


How to Cite

Garcia Querol, F. (2012). Genesis. Anuari De La Societat Catalana De Filosofia, (23), 171–189. Retrieved from



Fundamental Concepts of Phenomenology