Jugar a crear solucions


  • Albert Mallart Solaz


Teachingmathematics should help us to be mathematically competent in our daily lives. It is not just a matter of teaching a language, definitions and processes. Deep thinking is required to go from comprehension to assimilation. One way to achieve this is through problem-solving. Is there a better way to learn than playing? This paper presents amotivatingmethodology of workingwith recreationalmathematics. The experience has been carried out with 16-year-old students at a public high school in Barcelona. It is clear that this working method is well received by students. An improvement is observedwith respect to paying attention andwriting down the data of statements (written answers to later exams confirm this). Although the grades in problem-solving do not improve, results reflect students developing a critical eye when coming up with solutions and they showan interest in understanding the answers provided (written answers including verifications are collected).


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