La Irresolubilitat dels problemes clàssics grecs. Recurs didàctic per a l'ensenyament i l'aprentatge


  • Ana Manzanares Moreno


Currently in Catalunya, the «ordenació curricular» integrates the concept of «competència bàsica» to establish how they should develop educational activities and teaching-learning process, which implies the need to update the content and resources we are using every day in the classroom. The new resources must be defined and planned according to a series of guidelines as: specification of methodological, organizational and assessment criteria, the duration of each activity, the context to reinforce the learning, appropriate measures to attention to diversity and good classroom management ... In short, the pre-planning of resources and the highest possible precision in the definition be necessary, but not sufficient, for the success of an educational activity. Among other more theoretical and conceptual content (numbers, measurements, symbols, geometric elements, etc.), themathematics curriculum considers the history of mathematics as a content. And not only covers the history as a content, but also suggests a historical approach to certain theoreticalmathematics as an attempt to show the historical development ofmathematics as a science in evolution and demonstrate contexts where contents achievemeaningful. Using the history ofmathematics hasmany options for design activities: it can serve as an introduction to a topic or a new concept, amathematical concept can be located in time, help to make learningmoremeaningful, help to finish a sequence of activities, can also be used to further a particular topic and has the ability to interact across different areas ofmathematics. Seeing the need to create new educational resources and taking advantage of all the options that the history ofmathematics provides, three activities were created and proposed from the «dummy» insolvability of classical Greek problems.


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