Influència del context dels enunciats de dos problemes PISA 2003 en els percentatges de resolucions correctes de l'alumnat de quart d'ESO : estudi per gènere


  • Antonio José García Bernabéu


Themedia often use the results of the PISA tests to analyse our education system. Global conclusions are often jumped to about teaching in Catalonia (or any other country involved) without considering all the factors which have been analysed at the PISA report. TheMaths problems at the PISA tests are based on eight basic skills and they are the same for all students in all the countries taking part. A fitting target might be for the wordings of such problems not to influence the percentages of correct answers (since those percentages have an impact on education policies). This paper aims at analysing whether the percentages of correct answers to two PISA 2003 problems change when the context of their wording is modified. As one may read in the results chapter, it has been proved that, with the 371-student sample used for our report, the context of the wordings of these problems does have an influence on the percentages of correct answers. Another result which has been reached, which we consider interesting enough to point out, is the fact that the contexts of the wordings of the aforementioned problems have a deeper impact on girls than on boys.


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