Teie, quina estora vols? Trobar la millor proposta


  • Montserrat Canet


This activity was carried out during the 2015-2016 academic year at the MaríaMercè Marçal de Mataró School, based on an observation of fourth-year primary school students: when they saw that school children had to sit on the floor in music class, they decided to find a solution to the problem. An Internet search found Paviplay, a systemof soft interlocking floor tiles that uses safe and healthymaterials and offers fungicidal and bacterial protection. Paviplay would allow the entire surface to be covered, and could be easily removedwhen not needed. The project gave us opportunities for cross-disciplinary and collaborative work. In the area of mathematics, activities covering all curricular units were carried out. In terms of language, both oral and written expression were employed, in arguing the proposals made, discussing them, finding solutions, reaching agreements, and presenting proposals. Finally, it was necessary to present a formal proposal before the School Council and to defend it, and teamwork was essential throughout the entire process.


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