Derivació de línies de cèl·lules mare embrionàries a partir de blastòmers aïllats


  • Sheyla González
  • Nuno Costa Borges
  • Elena Ibáñez
  • Josep Santaló


Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are usually derived from the inner cell mass (ICM) of an embryo at the blastocyst stage. However, this strategy involves the destruction of the embryoextraemand has generated a great controversy in the case of the human species. In this sense, different groups have tried to derive ESC from isolated blastomeres of embryonic stages previous to blastocyst. But there is still very few data and the frequencies of ESC derivation obtained until now are low. In this study we present a review about the status of ESC derivation from isolated blastomeres and we report the results obtained with three methods of derivation. ESC lines have been derived from 4- and 8-cell SV129 × C57Bl/6 F1 mouse blastomeres. Morula and blastocyst stages were also used, the later as a positive control. Results obtained have allowed us to determine that the most efficient method is the culture in defined medium and that there is an important influence of the embryonic stage and the number of isolated blastomeres on the derivation of ESC by the three methods applied.

