Cultiu i desenvolupament in vitro d'embrions humans


  • Mark Grossmann
  • Maria del Carme Pons


During the past three decades the practice of clinical assisted reproduction have grown world-wide and moreover the success rate has increased thanks to clinical and laboratory improvements. Tradicionally, the morphological criteria has been applied to select embryos to transfer. However, the predictive value of this criteria is limited so that the multiple- embryo transfers are very common leading to a higher risc of multiple pregnancy. The goal in assisted reproduction is achieving a single pregnancy through the reduction of the number of embryos used in transfer to one. Single embryo transfer requires culture media to improve in order to allow the embryo selection in more advanced stages as well as having a reliable method to evaluate the embryo viability. Nowadays, strategies are carrying out in two different fields: the first one, continuing in morphometric criteria, it tends to use a sequencial scoring system from the oocyte through to the cleavage-stage embryo to allow selecting the most viable embryo in a cohort and the second one, in the research field, the development of new techniques based on the analysis of the embryo constitution and its metabolism.

