Animals modificats genèticament: ratolins transgènics i mutants : definició, obtenció i aplicacions en biologia, biomedicina i biotecnologia


  • Lluís Montoliu


Once it has been possible to obtain the genetic information present in the genome it is necessary to interpret it. In particular, currently, one of the most important challenges of Biology is to find out the function of every single gene located in the genome. Among the techniques known as functional genomics, those bringing more information are the genetic manipulation of animal, the generation and analysis of transgenic and mutant animals. With these strategies, it is possible to over-express a given gene, or trigger its function in places other than the usual, and then to infer which would be its normal function from the observed phenotype, the observed traits in the produced transgenic animal model. Or, even better, it is possible to specifically inactivate the function of a given gene, either in all cells of the body or only within a subset of them, and then to analyse the effects associated with this mutation during development and throughout the adulthood of the generated animal. Either way, the genetic modification of animals allows us the direct assessment of the corresponding gene function and hence, to derive its physiological relevance within the whole organism. What follows, it contains the description of the most common techniques of generating transgenic and mutant animals and their applications in the fields of Biology, Biomedicine and Biotechnology.

