The STEAM projects: learning by trial and error


  • Jordi Achón CESIRE


STEAM, didactics, error to knowledge, problem-based learning, devising and making an electric motor.


This paper provides a summary of the book Assaig de didàctica (Essay on didactics) (, which proposes and develops a trial and error learning model in didactic environments for problem solving and work on STEAM projects in secondary education. In order to achieve the necessary cognitive empathy with students, we present the cognitive psychology theory of the three minds (autonomous, executive and reflective), which are identified in students’ cognitive productions. At the same time, this theory provides a fertile soil for interpreting the errors of students and for drawing out the principal heuristics involved in the cognitive processes of learning. With this theoretical framework, a didactic model is developed for trial and error learning and it is used to exemplify a curricular activity on the electric motor.

Keywords: STEAM, didactics, error to knowledge, problem-based learning, devising and making an electric motor.


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Author Biography

Jordi Achón, CESIRE

Mestre d’educació secundària obligatòria i doctor en pedagogia. Col·laborador del CESIRE (Departament d’Ensenyament).


How to Cite

Achón, J. (2021). The STEAM projects: learning by trial and error. Revista De Tecnologia, (9), 62–70. Retrieved from


