Access to new (Cat)[Cu(CF3)2] complexes as efficient trifluoromethylating agents in the activation of aryl halides


  • Carlota Odena Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ)
  • Sara Martínez de Salinas Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ)
  • Mónica H. Pérez Temprano Institut Català d’Investigació Química (ICIQ)


Organometallic chemistry, transmetalation, copper, organocuprate complexes, trifluoromethylation.


In this paper, the formation of bis(trifluoromethyl)cuprate complexes through a transmetalation reaction using analogous silver complexes and different copper(I) sources is discussed. The rapid, selective and in situ synthesis of these complexes has been developed from the reaction of (Cat)[Ag(CF3)2] and CuI under mild reaction conditions. Subsequently, their potential as trifluoromethylating agents in the formation of C-CF3 bonds using different model substrates such as aryl halides that contain Csp2-I, Csp2-Br and Csp3-Br bonds has been evaluated. It is worth mentioning that this is the first time that the capability of these species has been demonstrated, since their reactivity had been neglected to date.

Keywords: Organometallic chemistry, transmetalation, copper, organocuprate complexes, trifluoromethylation.


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