Fascinated by natural selection


  • Josep Lluís Torres Institut de Química Avançada de Catalunya (IQAC-CSIC)


Darwin, evolution, natural selection, design, enzymes.


Life appears to present itself before our eyes as a carefully designed wonder, and yet a closer look at its component structures tells us otherwise. No intelligent designer would build a machine which must deliver the necessary fuel to each and every one of its minuscule parts. Darwin provides us with an explanation: the intricate complexity of life forms is the result of blind selection rather than design. Natural selection always operates on pre-existing structures by accumulation of small changes. There is no design and no purpose. The only reason for the existence of any life form or of any of its components is that it has endured through generations over time.

Keywords: Darwin, evolution, natural selection, design, enzymes.


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Author Biography

Josep Lluís Torres, Institut de Química Avançada de Catalunya (IQAC-CSIC)

Josep Lluís Torres és doctor en química per la Universitat de Barcelona i professor d’investigació del CSIC. Ha estat investigador visitant al Salk Institute for Biological Studies, on va coincidir amb Francis Crick, descobridor de l’estructura del DNA i del codi genètic. Ha fet recerca sobre síntesi, aïllament i activitat de diferents compostos bioactius naturals. Actualment explora estratègies nutricionals per a la prevenció de la diabetis de tipus 2 a través de la microbiota intestinal.



