The Panel on Social Inequalities in Catalonia (PaD): A unique contribution to the history of longitudinal analysis in Catalonia


  • Meritxell Argelagués Besson Fundació Jaume Bofill
  • Carla Domínguez Derreumaux Fundació Jaume Bofill
  • Mercè Mauri Casas
  • Laura Morató Vázquez Fundació Jaume Bofill
  • Laia Pineda Rüegg Fundació Jaume Bofill
  • Anna Tarrés Vallespí Fundació Jaume Bofill


sociology, longitudinal perspective, social research design, methodology.


This article describes the main methodological milestones of the Panel on Social Inequalities in Catalonia (PaD). The PaD is a pioneer survey in Catalonia on social sciences concerning the use of a longitudinal perspective based on a pure panel sample. The text shows the specificity of this tool when it comes to the questionnaire, the sample, fieldwork and data matrices, and it reviews some of the latest findings in the field of poverty, employment or social mobility along with the situation in terms of the research conducted using PaD data at present. Being able to follow the same individuals for a number of years makes it possible to ask dynamic questions on the backgrounds of individuals and the effects of changes occurring in their lives, whilst obtaining new answers allowing us to expand on existing knowledge. As of the present time, the PaD has been in existence for 10 years.

Keywords: sociology, longitudinal perspective, social research design, methodology.


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Author Biography

Laia Pineda Rüegg, Fundació Jaume Bofill

Laia Pineda Rüegg. Fundació Jaume Bofill.
Carrer de Provença, 324. 08037 Barcelona.
Tel.: 00-34-934 588 700. A/e:





