Subjectivity. The narrative of the self between modern and post-modern age


  • Martina Marcet Fuentes Departament de Filosofia Teorètica i Pràctica. Facultat de Filosofia. Universitat de Barcelona


subjectivity, historical sociology, social thought, social psychology.


Subjectivity, as a self-consciousness and self-reflection of the “I”, allows subjects to produce narratives. It shows the links between the social and individual areas which configure identity. That is the place where life meaning is performed. An approach in a phenomenological-hermeneutical standpoints reveals the key points of subjectivity modern transformations. Likewise, this point of view allows analysis of the subject’s relationship with the world and with other people, in an inter-subjective continuum.

Keywords: subjectivity, historical sociology, social thought, social psychology.


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Author Biography

Martina Marcet Fuentes, Departament de Filosofia Teorètica i Pràctica. Facultat de Filosofia. Universitat de Barcelona

Llicenciada en sociologia i cursant el Màster de Pensament Contemporani, Universitat de Barcelona



